Snorkel Tips

Always snorkel with a buddy. Your buddy can help you or get help if you become tired or have another problem.
Never hold your breath for too long  underwater. Come up when you feel the urge to breathe. Holding your breath too long can cause you to blackout and drown.
Do not dive deeper than you can equalize the pressure in your ears. Continuing to descend with unequalized ears can cause ear drum rupture and/or other ear injury.
Do not descend below the surface if you have a cold or any other condition that causes congestion. Congestion blocks ear equalization and can lead to ear injury
Never dive headfirst into water wearing a mask and snorkelling gear. Masks are not designed for this and the lens may break.
Keep your snorkel adjusted properly to minimize water splashing into it at the surface. The tip should be approximately over the crown of your head when worn.
Do not wear conventional earplugs underwater. They will not eliminate the need to equalize, and water pressure can push them into your ear and cause injury.
Always exit the water if you begin to feel cold or tired.
SNORKEL PARK BEACH is a protected area. Line fishing, trapping, spearfishing and lobster diving are prohibited in these areas.
It is an offense to remove, damage or be in posession of plants or animals, whether alive or dead.
Corals are injured by touch. Avoid contact with corals. It is prohibited to damage corals.